This is a sad time. However, I have been thinking a lot about why this death is more sad than that of anyone else. Death is a very natural thing. We all feel loss when someone close to us passes, but for the majority, if not all, of people reading this, none were close to Michael Jackson personally. Those of us in the 30-50 year-old range feel a great loss because a significant part of our childhood was just ripped away. We have never known a time when Michael Jackson wasn’t alive and in our faces. His music has been the soundtrack to many parts of our own lives. We are mourning the loss of our own innocence today, just like many of our parents and grandparents felt when Elvis died. I think this is something that every generation has to endure in order to truly grow up.

I also think growing up sorta sucks.

One Comment on “RIP MJ

  1. So true. Wise words.
    Still mourning and in a way always will.
    Joy and pain mixed every time I hear his music.


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